I didn't realize how much work it would be keeping up a blog. I find it difficult keeping it interesting. So whether you find it interesting or not I'm going to tell you 15 random things about Noah. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the note going around Facebook. I did mine a couple of days ago (which is listed under Noah's) and thought it would be fun doing one for Noah.

Noah's 15 Random Things
1. He fell out of bed this morning which explains why I'm up at this ungodly hour. Then an hour later while half asleep, he crawled to the end of the bed and looked at where he fell off and went back to sleep.
2. He has 4 teeth on top and 4 on the bottom. They're pretty screwed up. I've never seen such teeth on a child but I'm pretty sure he gets it from me.
3. He doesn't like his feet covered when he sleeps. Everytime I put the covers over him while he's sleeping he'll keep pulling until they're off.
4. He doesn't like fruits or fruit juices. What kid doesn't like sweet juice??
5. His favorite toys are sticks and balls. When we go out shopping I'll give him an orange or spatula to keep him happy.
6. During mealtimes I have Elmo and Mickey videos to keep him distracted. I got the Mickey videos to get him psyched for out upcoming Disneyland trip :)
7. In addition to videos during mealtimes he needs to have something in his hands or he'll get restless. Remote controls, utensils, baby magazines, toys - you name it.
8. He picked nose for the first time yesterday. It was very cute. Since he's sick he got some mucus out and then tried to put it in his mouth! Why do kids do that? Is it instinct??
9. Even though we speak mostly Chinese/Cantonese at home Noah's first words are all English. He hasn't said anything consistently yet but he attempts to say "Open, Bubble and Baby".
10. He falls asleep easily for naps but it takes him 40 minutes to and hour to go to sleep for the night.
11. He started walking on Bryan's birthday.
12. He loves his pacifier. He would suck it all day if he could but we only give it to him when it's time to sleep.
13. He has a problem with constipation. His last poop was the size of a baseball and the consistency of Play-Doh. Poor boy :(
14. He is at 55% for height but less than 10% for weight compared to boys at his age. He doesn't have much fat on him except for a little fat line on his inner thighs. I love that fat line but it's fading a little everyday...sigh
15. When he hears music he'll flap hand up and down. It started when I used to have music on in the house and I would jump around while holding him. That made his free hand flap up and down :)
Jessica's 25 Random Things
1. I generally dislike eating Chinese food when I go out to eat. I eat it all day at home so why would I eat it when I go out too?
2. I broke my left arm, right ankle (where the bone came out of my skin) and fractured my eye orbital when I flipped my mom's car when I was 20 yrs old. I was in a wheelchair for 6 months.
3. I gained 20lbs since high school, 10 of which were leftover from the pregnancy. I think they're here to stay...sigh
4. I sleep with Noah every chance I get which sometimes adds up to 16 hours in one day!
5. After 5 years of marriage we just got our first home phone last year. Before that we just used our cells.
6. I flunked out of CSUF before graduating from UCI.
7. I was on hospitalized bedrest for 7 weeks for preterm labor, shot up with drugs to prevent contractions, given steroids so that Noah would grow faster and gave myself 2 insulin injections daily in my belly because of gestational diabetes.
8. I avoided going to places like Disneyland, Sea World and Zoos for the past 10 years in fear that once I have children I'd be really sick of those places. On a side note, we are taking Noah to Disneyland for my bday this year :)
9. I've had 6 full-time jobs in a span of 8 years. In addition, I also worked part-time for 2 wedding planners on weekends.
10. I am thinking about going back to school for to become an Ultrasound Technician. I found out that my BA is useless in finding a good paying part-time job.
11. I told my friend Jeanine I was pregnant before I told Bryan :) He was on a plane coming back from Kuwait, I couldn't help myself!
12. Bryan and I have been out 3 times without Noah since he was born 15 months ago.
13. I didn't realize that I love cheese until I met someone who hates cheese.
14. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 10 years old and I haven't riden one again since I was 13 years old. I didn't gain much confidence in my riding skills so whenever I passed by pedestrians on the sidewalk I'd start to freak out and weave from side to side.
15. I watch all my tv shows on the internet after Noah goes to sleep. My current favorites are Top Chef, Top Design, Project Runway, Hell's Kitchen, Rachel Zoe, America's Best Dance Crew and How I Met Your Mother.
16. I the past 30 years I've lived in 8 different homes within a 5 mile radius.
17. I cannot sing, drink or dance. But with a little alcohol in me I'll dance a bit :)
18. I had a fear of cats and dogs. Now I like little dogs and I tolerate cats but I still fear big dogs.
19. I don't like being in individual competitions because there's always a winner and a loser, and I'm usually the loser.
20. I have a hard time making new friends. I think it's from an irrational fear of rejection.
21. I also have a hard time making "small talk", I feel very fake when I do it and I don't like that feeling at all. See #20.
22. I am proud of the second place ribbon I won for the bean bag throw in the first grade and the Presidential Award in the 6th grade. I also won 3rd place trophies for Poetry in 7th and 8th grade.
23. I won the grand prize laptop at the China Airlines Xmas party. Haven't won anything since.
24. I've never rollerbladed before in my life.
25. I left work without telling my boss so that I could get Aaron Kwok's autograph. I got a photo with him too :) I'm too lazy to scan the photo so you'll just have to believe me on that one.
That's it. I hope you found it "interesting". If not, I'm sorry I wasted your time. That was one long post!
1. I generally dislike eating Chinese food when I go out to eat. I eat it all day at home so why would I eat it when I go out too?
2. I broke my left arm, right ankle (where the bone came out of my skin) and fractured my eye orbital when I flipped my mom's car when I was 20 yrs old. I was in a wheelchair for 6 months.
3. I gained 20lbs since high school, 10 of which were leftover from the pregnancy. I think they're here to stay...sigh
4. I sleep with Noah every chance I get which sometimes adds up to 16 hours in one day!
5. After 5 years of marriage we just got our first home phone last year. Before that we just used our cells.
6. I flunked out of CSUF before graduating from UCI.
7. I was on hospitalized bedrest for 7 weeks for preterm labor, shot up with drugs to prevent contractions, given steroids so that Noah would grow faster and gave myself 2 insulin injections daily in my belly because of gestational diabetes.
8. I avoided going to places like Disneyland, Sea World and Zoos for the past 10 years in fear that once I have children I'd be really sick of those places. On a side note, we are taking Noah to Disneyland for my bday this year :)
9. I've had 6 full-time jobs in a span of 8 years. In addition, I also worked part-time for 2 wedding planners on weekends.
10. I am thinking about going back to school for to become an Ultrasound Technician. I found out that my BA is useless in finding a good paying part-time job.
11. I told my friend Jeanine I was pregnant before I told Bryan :) He was on a plane coming back from Kuwait, I couldn't help myself!
12. Bryan and I have been out 3 times without Noah since he was born 15 months ago.
13. I didn't realize that I love cheese until I met someone who hates cheese.
14. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 10 years old and I haven't riden one again since I was 13 years old. I didn't gain much confidence in my riding skills so whenever I passed by pedestrians on the sidewalk I'd start to freak out and weave from side to side.
15. I watch all my tv shows on the internet after Noah goes to sleep. My current favorites are Top Chef, Top Design, Project Runway, Hell's Kitchen, Rachel Zoe, America's Best Dance Crew and How I Met Your Mother.
16. I the past 30 years I've lived in 8 different homes within a 5 mile radius.
17. I cannot sing, drink or dance. But with a little alcohol in me I'll dance a bit :)
18. I had a fear of cats and dogs. Now I like little dogs and I tolerate cats but I still fear big dogs.
19. I don't like being in individual competitions because there's always a winner and a loser, and I'm usually the loser.
20. I have a hard time making new friends. I think it's from an irrational fear of rejection.
21. I also have a hard time making "small talk", I feel very fake when I do it and I don't like that feeling at all. See #20.
22. I am proud of the second place ribbon I won for the bean bag throw in the first grade and the Presidential Award in the 6th grade. I also won 3rd place trophies for Poetry in 7th and 8th grade.
23. I won the grand prize laptop at the China Airlines Xmas party. Haven't won anything since.
24. I've never rollerbladed before in my life.
25. I left work without telling my boss so that I could get Aaron Kwok's autograph. I got a photo with him too :) I'm too lazy to scan the photo so you'll just have to believe me on that one.
That's it. I hope you found it "interesting". If not, I'm sorry I wasted your time. That was one long post!