I love the ocean. In fact, my dream house would be perched on top of a mountain with a
magnificent ocean view. A little 2 bedroom in
Laguna after we retire will do just fine. Unfortunately, we don't go there enough especially since we had Noah. Kids love playing at the beach but I just don't want to deal with the cleanup. First I'd have to drench him in sunblock every 20 minutes, then deal with sand in the hair, feet and
butt crack. The
car seat would be covered with sunblock and sand until I'm able to figure out how to remove and wash it. Then as soon as we'd get home I would have to bathe him which would cut into dinner prep time. And I don't even want to imagine trying to get the sand out of his hair since he hates it when we wash his hair. Just a little too much effort for 1 hour at the beach. But yesterday I saw some photos of friends who brought their 3 young boys for a
week long camp out at the beach. THREE BOYS!
WEEK LONG! Boy, are they brave - yes you know who you are! Then today Noah was watching one of his videos and it had kids running around on the beach. With summer coming to an end it inspired me to make an impromptu trip to the beach. After all the
preparation, i.e., sunblock, towels, toys, snack, water, camera, sunglasses, jacket, change of clothes, diapers etc., we were finally out the door at 5pm. Even though we live only 10 miles away, I did not anticipate we'd be stuck in rush hour traffic. Noah was nice and patient with his shades on and holding his bucket and shovel. After half and hour he took his first steps in sand. We walked all the way to the water and got his feet wet a few times but he did not enjoy that too much. Then we sat and played with his shovel, bucket and truck. He enjoyed chasing the birds, watching the helicopter fly by and pointing out all the dogs. Luckily, Noah didn't seem to like getting all that sand on him so he stayed pretty clean. So with a quick diaper change, a sip of water, his fish crackers and a wipe of his hands and feet we headed home. In hindsight, it might have been more fun if there were more people and kids out playing but the heat and the battle for a parking space would make it a lot less fun for me. The weather was perfect, no jacket needed and it sure beats our usual stroll around the neighborhood. Tomorrow, we'll bring a ball.