Since I became a full time mother, I spend my days taking care of Noah and my nights surfing the web while he sleeps next to me. I shop over the Internet, keep up on friends' blogs, check email, Facebook and YouTube. Bryan seems to disapprove of
these activities especially what he considers wasting my time on YouTube. I tried to explain to him that I don't get to do any of these things in the daytime and it's practically the only connection I have to the outside world. Well today he came into my room and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I started a blog yesterday and I discovered by adding AdSense I can make some money whenever someone clicks on an ad on my blog. He actually said "Good Job". I guess writing a blog is better than being on YouTube and making money while I'm doing it makes it worthwhile. When I had a job I would sometimes think of money making opportunities during my commute. Like everyone else, I would like to retire early and still have money coming in. One great idea is making money off of royalties. That means I can do something once and continue to get paid for the rest of my life!!! How great is that?!?! The first thing that comes to mind is writing a book but I am NOT a good writer. I'm not eloquent or imaginative enough to do a job like that. I could take photos and sell them as postcards or greeting cards but that means I need to have some photography skills. I could write travel guides but I think that would require too much research and thought that it would take the fun out of travelling for me. You see my problem? So for now, being a full time mother and not financially contributing to the family, please click on an ad to the right if it appeals to you when you visit my blog. That being said, please come visit my blog often so that Bryan will get off my back about being on the internet.
Baby needs some diapers!!
don't worry jessie, i'll teach Chelsea today to keep clicking and clicking!!!
hahaha, I knew you child laborers in Asia are ruthless. I just didn't know you would use your own children. If Bryan knew, he would say "Good Job"!! Thanks for your support!
How about using your child care skills & start a daycare at home!!!
hahaha, my ad would say "Stay at home mom who can barely take care of her only child. Leave yours at your own risk - $1/hr".
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