Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Day 14 - Another Day, Another Café (Mr. Brown's)

Please tell me you're impressed by my rhyme. I won 3rd place for poetry 2 years in a row in J.H. just so you know.

Anyways, today I went to a cafe close to our house called Mr. Brown's Cafe. Mr. Brown's coffee brings me back to the time I worked for China Airlines and they served it in the VIP room. My dad also liked it and I remember trying his when I was younger. So today I felt like it would be a good place to spend the morning while the maid cleans our place.

After my brunch I wandered around our neighborhood looking for places I could take the kids for dinner. If you wondered why I didn't do that when we first got here it's because you don't go wandering around for food when you are hot and hungry with kids!

In the afternoon I did little shopping. Bought a pair of shorts at NET for $6. I noticed that Taiwanese people love cafes and bakeries among numerous other things. I am in the habit of picking up the next day's breakfast for the kids.

In my childhood there were several things I loved to eat here but you couldn't get it in the US. (Lein woo, white guavas, stinky tofu and steamed salt water chewy corn.) Now we can get the first 3 in the states but still not the corn. In fact, it's hard to come by here as well.

I also walk by many of these types of stores, nostalgic for my youth.

I finished my shopping a little early or rather I didn't have the time to do everything I wanted so I went to pick up the kids. And I am so glad I did! I caught them at the end of their chinese yo-yo class and Noah made a friend!!! It was funny when Noah had to count how long he could keep his yo-yo off the ground and he counted in Chinese "7, 8, 9, 20...." Then he stopped counting because he knew he skipped a bunch of numbers and couldn't concentrate because he was still trying to keep his yo-yo off the ground so his friend ended up counting the rest for him. Hahaha

And Zion asked the teacher a question in Chinese!

For those of you who can read Chinese and are curious, here is their camp schedule.

They are given lunch every day and Noah tells me it's super good! And before they go home they also get a snack. I just don't know how they can give the kids these at 5p and expect them to still eat dinner.

Zion took sip of the grape juice and said "Wait mommy, this doesn't taste like juice. It tastes like my medicine". Hahaha

We picked up this for dinner and went home to enjoy it :)

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